
ArchiMate 3.2 Notation Overview

Overview poster of ArchiMate 3.2 notation. Includes all the elements and relationships covering Business, Application, Technology, Strategy and Implementation and Migration layers and Physical, Motivation and Composite elements.


ArchiMate 3.2 Visio stencils

ArchiMate 3.2 Microsoft Visio stencils. Includes all the elements and relationships with both default and alternative shapes. The most comprehensive stencils available.


ArchiMate 3.2 language reference

ArchiMate 3.2 language reference with all elements and relationships, their definitions and default and alternate visualisations.

See the reference

ArchiMate 3.1 – test

Test yourself for ArchiMate 3.1 knowledge. Consists of 40 questions, results and detail evaluation of selected answers.

Start the test

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